Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the current buzzword in the marketing world. It's the art (process) through which you optimize a site in order to get it listed higher in the Search Engine Results page (SERP), for relevant keywords or phrase.
There are many companies in the market specializing in SEO. Some firms guarantee SEO - list your company at top 1-5 results of the big search engines. But the fact is No one can guarantee top ranking. It's all controlled by robots and algorithms. But there techniques to be followed to bring your website in contention for the top search results.
Major search engines are Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft/Live, Baidu (China), Naver (South Korea) and This guide will primarily focus on Google. Google is the market leader in search with over 65% of search market share. Being listed in the first few results is critical to visibility. It means more exposure, more traffic and extensive brand display. It also instills trust in consumers as to the worthiness and relative importance of the company/website. An incredible amount of offline economic activity is driven by searches on the web.
Today its is very important to come up in the first page in search results, for many small business it could the difference between success and failure. I would like to keep this simple and short as possible, as SEO is vast subject. My aim here is to help you understand the fundamentals of SEO and so you can put them in action.
Before we dive deep into the techniques of SEO we'll have a look at how search engines work.
Search Engines have 2 main goals.
1) Crawling & Indexing all sorts of digital information (millions of websites, blogs, documents, books, news etc) on the web.
2) Providing Relevant results to users search queries.
Search engines have created 'Spiders' or 'Robots' to crawl the web. Google's robot is called 'Googlebot'. Automated Search bots crawl the web, following the links & indexing content in massive databases.
When users type in search query search engines scan their databases and do two things ( by the way - Single Google Query uses 1000 Machines in 0.2 seconds)
a) Returns only those that are relevant to the users queries
b) Rank those results in order of importance.
SEO is meant to influence both - Relevance and Importance. To the search engines, relevance means more than simply having a page with the words you searched for prominently displayed. Hundreds of factors influence relevance. Major engines typically interpret importance as popularity - the more popular a site, page or document, the more valuable the information contained therein must be.
Google have created a complex algorithm called PageRank. PageRank is only one of numerous methods Google uses to determine a page's relevance and importance. PageRank is compromised of hundreds of components - Page links, page content, page url, meta tags, alt tags, location of the searcher e.g. - might show different result than list could go on.
When it comes to SEO each site is different. Certain Optimization techniques that might be ideal for one site might be entirely inappropriate for another site. SEO technique can broadly be classified as.
A) On Page Optimization
B) Off Page Optimization